Functions for reading Overseer configuration. Many configuration values are
optional, and Overseer should 'just work' out of the box. The entire set
of configuration options are:
:adapter - Required String backend store type to connect to. One of datomic, mysql, h2
:config - options to configure the selected adapter
If Datomic:
- map of :uri, required connection String, ex: "datomic:free://localhost:4334/overseer"
If MySQL/H2:
- clojure.java.jdbc "database spec"
- map of :dbtype, :dbname and other options as needed, such as :user, :password, :host, :port
- map of driver :classname, :subprotocol, :hostname, :port, :subname, :user, :password
- map of :connection-uri String option passed directly to driver
- map of :name and :environment keys for JNDI connection
- Can also just be a String JDBC URI
See http://clojure-doc.org/articles/ecosystem/java_jdbc/home.html#setting-up-a-data-source
:sentry - Optional map configuring the Sentry error backend
:dsn - String DSN to use
:detector-sleep-time - Optional; How long to sleep between ready job detector runs in ms
(default: 2000)
:sleep-time - Optional; How long to sleep in ms if the job queue is empty (default: 10000)
:heartbeat - map of optional attributes to configure worker heartbeating
:sleep-time - How long to sleep in ms before persisting heartbeat (per-worker)
(default: 60000)
:tolerance - How many heartbeats can fail before job is considered dead
to be reset by a monitor (default: 5)
:monitor-shutdown - Boolean, whether to shutdown the system when the heartbeat
monitor encounters an error (avoids running in a degraded state)
Default: true
(datomic-config config)
(detector-sleep-time config)
(failed-heartbeat-tolerance config)
(heartbeat-sleep-time config)
(jdbc-config config)
(monitor-shutdown? config)
(sentry-dsn config)
(sleep-time config)
(store-type config)