User-facing core API
Jobs are defined as maps with the following attributes:
:job/id - Required String uniquely identifying a job
:job/type - Keyword type name of this job
:job/status - Keyword, one of #{:unstarted :started :finished :failed :aborted}
:job/args - Optional arguments to the job (must be serializable as EDN)
Jobs that have been run (or attempted) by the system may also have the following attributes:
:job/heartbeat - Integer UNIX timestamp of the last time a worker processing
this job marked itself alive
:job/failure - Map containing information about the failure of a job
Graphs are defined as Loom digraphs where every node is a valid Job.
(abort msg)
Control-flow helper to immediately mark a job as aborted from within a handler
and abort all of its dependents (halts handler execution)
Fails loudly by default - will log an error and and send to Sentry.
See also `abort-silent`
(abort-silent msg)
Like `abort`, but does not send exceptions to Sentry
(fault msg)
Signal that a transient fault has occurred and the worker should
release and unstart the job so that it can be retried at a later time.
(harness handler wrapper)
(harness handler k wrapper)
A mechanism to 'wrap' job handlers, giving one the ability
to provide additional context, inject dependencies, or otherwise
alter the flow of execution. Conceptually, harnessing is similar to
the idea behind Ring middleware.
Accepts a standard job handler (map or function) and a
`wrapper` function which will be called with the *function* specified
in your handler and is expected to return a new *function* with the
same signature. If your handler is a map, it will be transparently
constructed/deconstructed; harnesses work solely in terms of functions.
For example, a harness that simply implements the default behavior for
a processor is:
(defn my-harness [f]
(fn [job]
(f job)))
A more substantive harness can be used to provide jobs with additional
context or inject dependencies such as a database connection:
(defn my-harness [f]
(fn [job]
(let [modified-job (assoc job :conn (d/connect my-datomic-uri))]
(f modified-job))))
Or add logging:
(defn logging-harness [f]
(fn [job]
(println "START execution of " (:job/id job))
(f job)
(println "FINISH execution of " (:job/id job))))
After defining a harness, in the job-handlers map one specifies
{:my-job (overseer.api/harness my-job/run my-harness)}
Following the previous example, within your handler you now have
additional context available:
(defn run [{:keys [conn] :as job}] ...)
If your handler is a map, you can optionally specify a key to harness a
specific stage; the default is :process. For example, to harness
a post-processor:
{:my-job (overseer.api/harness my-job/run :post-process my-harness)}
If you attempt to harness a missing stage for a given job, the wrapper will
be invoked with a properly-formed identity function, meaning you can write
your harnesses in a single consistent fashion, and, for example, universally
harness a post-processor for a set of handlers that may or may not define
their own post-processor.
(install store)
Install store configuration (create system tables, etc). *Not* guaranteed
to be idempotent. Returns :ok on success
(job-graph job-type-graph)
(job-graph job-type-graph tx)
Given a map in Loom adjacency list format specifying dependencies between keyword job types,
and an optional map of additional job data, return a Loom digraph of Job maps that can be
transacted by a store. This assumes you are only generating one job per type.
(def graph (job-graph
{:start []
:process-1a [:start]
:process-1b [:process-1a]
:process-2 [:start]
:finish [:process-1b :process-2]}
{:org/id 123}))
; => Graph<Job>, ex:
; {{:job/id 1 :job/type :start :org/id 123} []
{:job/id 2 :job/type :process-1a :org/id 123} [{:job/id 1 ...}]
{:job/id 3 :job/type :process-1b :org/id 123} [{:job/id 2 ...}]
(core/transact-graph store txns graph)
(simple-graph & jobs)
Construct a Graph from Job(s) that have no dependencies between them
(start config store job-handlers)
Start the system inline given a config map, a Store implementation (see `store`)
and a job-handler map of {job-type job-handler}
(store config)
Return a Store implementation based on the store type and type-specific
configuration in `config` map
(transact-graph store graph)
Given a Graph, atomically transact all of its jobs/dependencies into
the store. See `store`, `job-graph`.
(validate-graph-handlers handlers job-type-graph)
Assert that a given job-type keyword graph (see `job-graph`)
only references handlers defined in the given `handlers` map.